Welcome! This space explores the intersection of decentralized technologies, collective intelligence, and regenerative practices as we work toward addressing the metacrisis and building more resilient social systems. My research and writing focus on how we can develop and implement protocols that enable effective global coordination while respecting local autonomy and ecological wisdom.

Current Focus: Discourse Graphs as a Coordination Primitive

I was first introduced to discourse graphs through Karola Kirsanow’s talk at Protocol Labs on Research Roadmapping with Discourse Graphs. This sparked my interest in how decentralized knowledge structures could serve as fundamental building blocks for better societal coordination. My current exploration of discourse graphs represents an entry point into the broader question of how we can develop protocols for regenerative civilization.

Recent Posts

Graphs for DeSci

An exploration of how discourse graphs can revolutionize scientific research through decentralization, moving beyond traditional publication methods to create more collaborative, transparent, and efficient ways of conducting science.

Discourse Graphs for Civic Knowledge Commons

A deep dive into how discourse graphs can serve as the foundation for civic knowledge networks, enabling the transformation from passive knowledge consumption to active stewardship.

Broader Research Interests

My work examines the convergence of several key areas:

  • Collective Intelligence: How we can better harness our collective wisdom and capabilities
  • Cosmo-localism: Balancing global knowledge sharing with local implementation
  • Bioregionalism: Developing regenerative practices adapted to local ecosystems
  • Web3 & Decentralized Networks: Creating resilient, democratic systems
  • Regenerative Economics: Building economic systems that restore rather than deplete
  • Global Coordination: Addressing complex challenges while preserving local autonomy
  • Metacrisis Response: Developing integrated solutions to interconnected global challenges

The Connected Vision

These explorations are part of a larger inquiry into how we can develop the protocols, tools, and practices needed for a regenerative global civilization. Discourse graphs represent one promising primitive in this broader ecosystem of solutions.

Stay tuned as we explore these interconnected paths toward a more regenerative future.

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About This Site

This site itself embodies many of the principles it explores - it’s built as a living knowledge graph using decentralized, open-source tools for content creation, publishing, and collaboration. The architecture of this site demonstrates in practice how discourse graphs and decentralized knowledge networks can be implemented, serving as both a working example and a template for similar projects.